• 1 of 6 Best Researcher 2023 Bangued
  • 2 of 6 Best Extentionist 2023 Lagangilag
  • 3 of 6 Best Extentionist 2023 Bangued
  • 4 of 6 Best Researcher 2023 Lagangilang
  • 5 of 6 Best Faculty 2023 Bangued
  • 6 of 6 Best Faculty 2023 Lagangilang

Dr. Gregorio T. Turqueza, Jr. got re-appointed as the President of the Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology (ASIST), by virtue of Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No. 09, series of 2022, effective June 10, 2022 and expiring on June 09, 2026. The BOT members unanimously favored for the re-appointment of Dr. Turqueza during its hybrid Special BOT Meeting last June 10, 2022.

In his message to the ASISTians and other stakeholders during the flag ceremony last Monday, he said, “ I am truly grateful for the support and inspiration you have given me. My re-appointment is a manifestation of our working together wherein every member contributed to our college achievements. I humbly implore again your support to attain our vision for the next four years.”

In accordance with Sec. 6 of R.A. No. 8292, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997”,  and by virtue of Resolution No. 08 s. of 2018 of the ASIST BOT dated April 03, 2018, Dr.  Gregorio T. Turqueza Jr. had his first appointment as the 5th President of the ASIST.  His term commenced on April 04, 2018 and expired last April 03, 2022. During his first term, he has led ASIST, through his servant leadership in attaining excellent performance in Instruction, Research, Extension and Production. He has made possible the construction of facilities in the three campuses: Main Campus Lagangilang, Bangued Campus and La Paz Campus, through the initiative and efforts of Congressman Joseph Sto. Niño Bernos and in line with the Build, Build, Build Program of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Moreover, under his term, ASIST has been subjected to accreditations by accrediting agencies and the initial evaluations by CHEDRO – CAR and the CHED – Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance (OIQAG) towards full implementation of RA 11574 converting the ASIST into the University of Abra, which bill emanated from the House of Representatives authored by the Abra Representative, Cong. JB Bernos. Source: Office of the Publication 06/14/2022

Dr. Gregorio T. Turqueza Jr. takes his oath as ASIST President for his 2nd term.

ASIST President Turqueza Jr. together with Trustee Michelle Melinda B. Alzate ASIST Faculty Federation President  and Trustee Alex Mubarak Sultan, Student Federation President, shows point finger up for ONE ASIST, ONE UNIVERSITY.

Here is the Terminal Report of President Turqueza for the year 2018-2021

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