• 1 of 10 Best Extentionist 2023 Bangued
  • 2 of 10 Best Researcher 2023 Lagangilang
  • 3 of 10 Best Extentionist 2023 Lagangilag
  • 4 of 10 PBBM Birthday Greetings
  • 5 of 10 Happy Birthday CHED CAR RD
  • 6 of 10 IP Month Celebration 2024
  • 7 of 10 Best Researcher 2023 Bangued
  • 8 of 10 Happy Birthday CongMayor JB
  • 9 of 10 Best Faculty 2023 Bangued
  • 10 of 10 Best Faculty 2023 Lagangilang
To further strengthen the relationship between the administration and the faculty and to help the faculty become more efficient partners in serving the institution, the Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology Faculty Association (AFA) held a special meeting with ASIST President, Dr. Gregorio T. Turqueza Jr., today, July 5, 2022 at the Conference Room of the Office of the President, ASIST Bangued Campus.
Some issues tackled on the said meeting include the NBC 461 8th Cycle, institutional faculty promotion, universityhood conversion, faculty subject loads, and concerns relative to gender sensitivity. Dr. Turqueza eagerly listened to the association’s inquiries and suggestions. In response, the President enthusiastically clarified, explained, and taken note of the recommendations as possible course of action. Dr. Turqueza also expressed his appreciation to the association for organizing the meeting which serves as an avenue for both the administration and the faculty to hear each other’s side and that this kind of meeting should be scheduled regularly. AFA President, Dr. Michelle Melinda Ballo-Alzate, conveyed her gratitude with the feedback and responses coming from the President himself and for the time that he gave the association to discuss significant matters for the faculty.
Also present at the meeting were AFA Vice President, Prof. Rodney D. Omli, ASIST Lagangilang Faculty Association (ALFA) Vice President, Prof. Edel Christy D. Villamor, ASIST Bangued Faculty Association (ABFA) Vice President, Prof. Robinson Q. Fabito, ALFA Secretary, Prof. Michelle I. Barbero, ABFA Secretary, Prof. Aleta R. Villareal, ALFA Treasurer, Prof. Dulce Corazon R. Bolante, ABFA Treasurer, Prof. Jonathan P. Zales, ALFA Auditor, Prof. Rhoda May A. Balmaceda, ABFA Business Manager, Prof. John Mark B. Romero, ALFA PRO, Prof. Maria S. Turqueza, and ABFA PRO, Irene Claire P. Herida. Source: Technocrat Office